16. May 2023

peripheria II

Rauminhalt zu Gast im Palais Herberstein, Herrengasse 1-3, 1010 Wien

Eröffnung: Donnerstag, 25.05.2023, 16 bis 20 Uhr / Ausstellungsdauer 26.5 - 8.7.2023

24. April 2023

we have never been forest

2.5. - 6.11.2023

House of the Lords of Kunštát
Dominikánská 9, 602 00 Brno, https://www.dum-umeni.cz/en/we-have-never-been-forest/t9258

I cordially invite you to the exhibition We Have Never Been Forest by Tomáš Hrůza and Markus Guschelbauer, Opening on Tuesday 2 May 2023 at 6 pm in the House of the Lords of Kunštát.

Tomáš Hrůza and Markus Guschelbauer's exhibition We Have Never Been Forest is a follow-up to the 2019 exhibition and book We Have Never Been Earth by Tomáš Hrůza and Andrea Průchová Hrůzová. We've never been modern - because modernity is a construct invented by humans, just like all the other categories that we have thought for centuries we correctly know our surroundings through. We divided the world into "nature" and "culture" and hoped that separating the human and the non-human would help us better understand and describe the world. But something else happened - the world began to fall apart. We were never the earth, we were never the forest - because we were never "just" human as understood by our Enlightenment-modernist-capitalist tradition. Tomáš Hrůza and Markus Guschelbauer at the House of the Lords of Kunštát are essentially "bringing wood to the gallery". Through this slightly absurd and ultimately nonsensical move, they refer to the interconnectedness of all living and non-living things, with an emphasis on the themes that have long appeared in both artists' work: trees and forest. But what is still a forest and what is no longer? There is no place in our landscape that is not at least a little bit influenced by man: the overgrown bark beetle and the dead trees in the streets refer directly to our activity. How can we take a step back and try to be more of a forest, while at the same time letting it live without our interference so that it stops being so human? Through "forest in the gallery" the artists look back at what is happening to our world and what paths we might take in the future. Although both originally photographers, they also step out of this box and into the space, guiding visitors through their imaginative, dadaist and slightly psychedelic musings.

6. January 2021


Markus Guschelbauer


Autoren: Silvie Aigner, Christian Siekmeier, Mark Wunderlich
Sprache: dt. engl.

Format: 28 x 22,2 cm
ISBN: 978-3-902993-99-1
Preis: 33.00 Euro
Fotohof edition, Bd./Vol. 299


Unter dem Titel Territory vereint das neue Buch von Markus Guschelbauer seine wichtigsten Werke aus den letzten Jahren. Die Landschaft ist für Guschelbauer Bezugspunkt und Kulisse für seine fotografischen Interventionen und Inszenierungen. Mit konzeptioneller Verve gelingt es ihm immer wieder mit Hilfe von Alltagsmaterialien temporäre  „Stücke“ auf der „Bühne Landschaft“ zu inszenieren. Durch den präzisen bildnerischen Akt des fotografischen Prozesses formen sie sich zu autonomen Bildwerken und zu ewigen Zeitzeugen eines zauberhaften Spiels. Markus Guschelbauers Werksmonografie vermittelt einen Einblick in ein originäres Werk, das sich an der Schnittstelle von Fotografie, Bildhauerei, Performance und Land Art bewegt.  

Markus Guschelbauer

Schönbrunner Straße 38
1050 Wien / Austria

m: +43 676 738 70 74
e: mail@markusguschelbauer.com

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